New Fiddle Lesson!

by Steve Eulberg

Vi Wickam has created a new Fiddle Lesson for the Scottish tune Miss McLeod's Reel.  that he and I like to play in our duo Fiddle Whamdiddle.  I have already created a mountain dulcimer lesson in the Galax style for this tune on DulcimerCrossing here.

You can also watch a couple of versions of this tune below:

Steve & Vi playing a hammered dulcimer and fiddle duet at the former Caffe Olé in Fort Collins, Colorado: (under the title "Have You Ever Gone to Meeting, Uncle Joe?" filmed for Vi's Fiddle-Tune-A-Day project in 2012.)

And Steve playing Galax style with Vi and another DulcimerCrossing teacher, Don Pedi, at a house concert at Steve's former home in Fort Collins, Colorado.


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