Mickey Sweeney Live Workshop

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Mickey Sweeney Live Workshop

DulcimerCrossing Live Workshop: Mickey Sweeney

Thursday, July 11th, 5 pm MDT

4 pm PDT - 6 pm CDT - 7 pm EDT

Practice Smarter, Not Longer (1 hr)

Short on time to practice, or want to get the most out of the minutes (hours) you put into your instrument? This class will teach you ways to maximize your results and eliminate wasted minutes. I have consolidated 60 years of personal experience learning different tactics for practicing into a handful of guidelines designed to save you time and frustration. Master your music with efficiency, and then, on to the next piece!

A hammered dulcimer-focused workshop

DulcimerCrossing Workshop & Mentorship Level Subscribers have access to this Live Event and its archive video.

Total due $50

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