Live Events at DulcimerCrossing


Live Events at DulcimerCrossing


by Steve Eulberg

Live Events Schedule

While the main focus of DulcimerCrossing has been to provide filmed video lessons that are accessible according to YOUR schedule, we also recognize the limitation of learning when we aren't able to ask questions of the instructor.  To address this, we have created and curate several regular Live Events at DulcimerCrossing.

Wednesday LiveStream


Each Wednesday at 9 am MDT we host a 30 minute Livestream on our Facebook Page that addresses a particular topic.  These are usually hosted by Steve Eulberg (from Idaho), with Erin Mae Lewis (from Kansas) guest hosting and sometimes, through the wonders of vimeo technology, they can host together!  Because of the interactive nature comments on livestreams, we are able to respond to questions in eal time.  In the 2-1/2 years since we started these weekly conversations we have covered a LOT of topics!  These are all curated and archived on our website for our Workshop and Mento level students.  They are also archived (but not curated) on our Facebook page, on our Vimeo channel, and on our youtube channel.

Monthly Workshops


Erin Mae and Steve began hosting a year-long monthly workshop series called Leap Forward in your Musical Understanding to teach music theory in January 2020.  After they set the stage in January and February, they invited several other instructors to offer their insights throughout the rest of the year.  (These are archived in the Past Events link for Workshop and Mentor level students also—They are in the process of being curated to be a Music Theory Course in bite-sized digestible chunks.] 

Beginning with our transition to our new platform and the new levels of membership, in 2022 we began hosting Monthly Live Workshops (which are interactive on Zoom) with supplemental teachers getting a chance to teach their expertise in workshops that they'd LOVE to teach, rather than being focused on teaching ones that appear "marketable."  We believe that when people are doing what they love, the quality is inspiring!  We've hosted 14 of these so far with teachers across the US as well as German and France!  These workshops are also archived in our Past Events link for Workshop and Mentor level students.

Special Events

We have been the host and/or sponsor of several focused events on Zoom and are planning more upcoming ones:  Chromatic Dulcimer Summit (July 2021); Resonator Dulcimer Day (March 2022); Baritone Dulcimer Day (November 2022); 4 Equidistant Dulcimer Day (March 2023).   Highlights of these events are archived in our Past Events Link also.

Our goal is for your learning to be supported in all the ways that we can do that!  



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