

Don't Ride the Brakes


Have you ever been in the car with someone who constantly rides the brakes? The vehicle jerks forward and then abruptly slows down over and over, creating a bumpy ride. Instead of driving at a steady speed that would result in a smoother journey, the driver continues to speed up then tap on the brakes compulsively. Before you know it, your stomach begins to churn along with the lurching, prompting you to casually open a window for some fresh air to prevent any unwanted consequences.

What the …

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Bloom Where You Are Planted

Bloom Where You Are Planted

I saw this lovely flower in the parking lot of a motel in Mackinaw City this summer. All around the plant, there was nothing but asphalt and concrete. The sun was beating down and it was hot. But the plant was standing up proud and beautiful, blooming right where it sprouted up between the sidewalk and our parking space.

I shot this photo because it reminded me of some of our Dulcimer Crossing members. A few are the only dulcimer player in their entire town. They …

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Lessons Learned from Sandcastles

The man who stands firm to protect his sandcastle can never 
be depended on, for he has lost his common sense.

(No sandcastles were harmed in the shooting of these photos.)

We live just 1 hour from South Padre Island, and we go there to enjoy a meal with a view of the water at least once a month. While we're on the island, we usually take the time to look for sandcastles. I’m always blown away by the artistry and detail in them, and they can be found all over the island.


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Wendy Songe Workshop: New Beginnings


Wendy Songe, who has had to learn a LOT of new things in the past year, will share with us the treasures from her learning on Thurs, Oct 23rd at 5 pm MDT (=4 pm PDT, 6 pm CDT, 7 pm EDT).

There are three ways you can join us for this exciting event!

1.  This workshop is a benefit for Workshop and Mentor level members of the DulcimerCrossing. 

On the day of the workshop, simply log in and choose Upcoming Events from the Live Events Menu at the top of the page

Live Events Menu

and choose Wendy's workshop

Wendy Upcoming


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New Log-In Procedure & FAQs

At DulcimerCrossing we are always trying to improve and reduce confusion that is the friction that can slow down the process of learning music. We have a new log-in procedure that will direct subscribers to choose their level of membership: Basic or Premium with a single log-in button for both. \

In addition, this video is the first of several from our brand new FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions Page) to help our subscribers answer their questions faster so they can spend more time playing dulcim…

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Habits From The Muse

Music_lesson_Staatliche_Antikensammlungen_2421 The Music Lesson by Steve Eulberg This new promised resource is now available to you here! Habits from the Muse is a short, weekly email sent to your in-box, with ideas, suggestions and tidbits we've collected to help support your daily practice of music. We all know that habits come from repetition and that habits, once set, are hard to break. Our intention is to help you set some good habits in place, habits to help you make progress toward your musical goals! Sign up here (We don't share you…

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