

Find Somewhere Quiet

by Linda Ratcliff

It is in that quiet place at our center that we hear the whispers of our soul. - Sue Krebs

Find somewhere quiet. This almost seems too obvious to really need to say. But it's important.  Many of you probably have a special room, or your own corner of the living room for practicing your dulcimer. When you have a designated quiet place to practice, you will be less likely to cave in to distractions.

In addition, going to your special practice area helps prepare you mentally for gett…

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Trust Your Practice

by Steve Eulberg While at Camp Kiya at Tehachapi Mountain Park, Steve records the following tip for Habits for Your Healthy Music Habitat.

This is part of a weekly email video benefit that all of our Premium Members at DulcimerCrossing receive.  Subscribe and you can receive it, too!

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I Have to Practice every day...

by Linda Ratcliff play as bad as I do.    —Woody Allen

Woody Allen (born Allan Stewart Konigsberg) is a passionate fan of jazz, and jazz music has often been featured prominently in the soundtracks of his movies. He started playing the clarinet when he was a teenager and actually chose his stage name, Woody, after the famous clarinet player Woody Herman.

Woody will be 81 in December, and these days he is performing with the Eddy David New Orleans Jazz Band.  They play every Monday night at th…

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Habits From The Muse

Music_lesson_Staatliche_Antikensammlungen_2421 The Music Lesson by Steve Eulberg This new promised resource is now available to you here! Habits from the Muse is a short, weekly email sent to your in-box, with ideas, suggestions and tidbits we've collected to help support your daily practice of music. We all know that habits come from repetition and that habits, once set, are hard to break. Our intention is to help you set some good habits in place, habits to help you make progress toward your musical goals! Sign up here (We don't share you…

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Erin Mae Lewis' 30 Minute Practice Session Strategy

Here is a question that all of our instructors hear often:  How should I practice? Erin Mae Lewis (formerly Erin Rogers) gives us insights and her suggestions in this lesson in the Mountain Dulcimer Skills section of our website Take a look at a preview below:

Subscribe to to see the rest of the lesson!

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Practicing in the Dark

by Linda Ratcliff

I'm spending the winter in sunny California, but I know many of you have been getting hit with some pretty cold weather. Brrrr. That reminds me of the way I used to practice piano. I usually arrived at school, during both my high school and college years, at about 6:30 in the morning, and I always went straight to the practice rooms. Now the school didn't turn on the heaters full blast until about 7:30 a.m., so to challenge myself (and because no one was looking), I would st…

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