
Original Music on DulcimerCrossing

by Linda Ratcliff

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.  

Original Tunes by Steve Eulberg

Sometimes we forget to count our blessings.  And one very BIG blessing we have at Dulcimer Crossing is Steve Eulberg.

He is our co-founder, teacher, performing artist, and song-writer.  Several of our lessons feature original tunes by Steve. 
  • Elk in the Meadow
  • Club Footed Jib
  • Blacktail Weasel & the Ground Squirrel Cl…

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Are You Hooked on Dulcimers?

by Linda Ratcliff

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. - Unknown

Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” So what do you think about the most? What's close to your heart?  For many of you - it’s all about your dulcimer and dulcimer music, dulcimer events, dulcimer friends, dulcimer accessories. Here’s a little test to check your dulci-meter.

You might be hooked on dulcimers if …
  • When you get in the car, you pop in a dulcimer CD.
  • You have a 10” 3-ring …

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Papa-Daughter Concert Window Highlight

by Steve Eulberg

Back when I gave my daughter a Backyard Dulcimer kit for Christmas when she was five, I don't even think I could have imagined the joy that playing a full concert set together would bring to this Papa's heart! Recently we gave an Advent concert on Concert Window and this is the highlight video of one of our family's favorite tunes:  Mary & the Baby (Sweet Lamb)  [My $25 Patrons have access to the entire archive video of the concert on Patreon]

This traditional tune was colle…

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Rich Chords Part 1 & 2

by Linda Ratcliff & Steve Eulberg

Your life will be richer when you use rich chords. - Steve Eulberg

Recently, we uploaded a new series of lessons about how to play Rich Chords on the hammered dulcimer. Rich chords are chords that have other notes added to them, in addition to the 3 notes that go with either the major or the minor chords. To set the stage for building rich chords, in this video Steve begins the series by explaining the basis or construction of major and minor chords.

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You Are What You Practice

by Linda Ratcliff

The effort you put into your practice time will either advance your skills quickly, or drag you down gradually. - Linda Ratcliff

We've all heard the expression, "You are what you eat." In other words - if you eat fat, you may become fat.  If you frequently indulge in sugar, you run the risk of becoming diabetic.  If you skip your fruit and vegetables, you could become deficient in minerals and vitamins.

In a survey taken in May of 2016, 75% of Americans claimed that they are eatin…

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Larry & Elaine Conger Live

Plan to join Larry and Elaine Conger on Sunday evening, December 17, for a concert of holiday favorites from their home in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. This concert will be streamed live on

Screen Shot 2022-04-16 at 3.26.58 PM

December 17, 2017 7:00 EST | 6:00 CST | 5: 00 MST | 4:00 PST
As always, if you have any questions, always feel free to ask Steve or myself.
Happy dulcimering, Linda
These photos are from the Berkeley Dulcimer Gathering's Faculty Concert, June 2017 where Larry and Elaine were headli…

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Marie's Story

by Linda Ratcliff

How the musical score of Marie's life was forever changed ...

One of our followers, Marie, shared her personal musical journey with us, and told how playing the dulcimer has impacted her life. I was touched by her story, and got her permission to share it with all of you.  From Marie ... "I just read your story about how you grew up learning music. You are so very fortunate. I always had it in me too, but I was not allowed to play music until I married my sweet husband, Bill. H…

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Find Somewhere Quiet

by Linda Ratcliff

It is in that quiet place at our center that we hear the whispers of our soul. - Sue Krebs

Find somewhere quiet. This almost seems too obvious to really need to say. But it's important.  Many of you probably have a special room, or your own corner of the living room for practicing your dulcimer. When you have a designated quiet place to practice, you will be less likely to cave in to distractions.

In addition, going to your special practice area helps prepare you mentally for gett…

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Trust Your Practice

by Steve Eulberg While at Camp Kiya at Tehachapi Mountain Park, Steve records the following tip for Habits for Your Healthy Music Habitat.

This is part of a weekly email video benefit that all of our Premium Members at DulcimerCrossing receive.  Subscribe and you can receive it, too!

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Advent Musical Devotions

by Steve Eulberg

HarkCoverIn the busyness of the season before Christmas and holiday celebrations, we can get so lost in the preparations that we lose our focus and feel like the joy of the occasion is lost, and we feel like we've been run over by the holiday.

Once again, I am offering Advent Musical Devotions delivered to your email box to help you take a few moments to breathe and recenter.


A new feature this year is being able to choose whether you'd like

to receive these musical offerings Weekly or Daily…

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